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Waste Water Treatment Process

Waste Water Treatment System (Recycle and Reuse)

Moving Bed Bio Reactor (MBBR)

Mechmann'sstate of the art fixed film or attached growth biological process is used for waste water treatment, BOD removal,nitrification and de,nitrification.

Every MBBR system is optimized for customized application within site-specific layout, ensuring optimum functionality MBBR technology is equippment to efficiently treat any blend of wastewater streams including black and gray water streams from accommodation, galley, food, reject water, and laundry sources.

Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)

Mechmann's SBR system is designed for batch treatment of waste water. It's an excellent choice for systems with limited operator attention or experienced operator, and systems that require extremely close control of effluent quality such as for removal of nutrients. Provides the highest water quality surpassing regulatory requirements. Requires a small footprint. Eliminates abusive odor(all treatment is underwater).Requires minimum power(Most treatment is during idle)Requires minimal maintenance(Few moving parts)

Packaged Waster water Treatment Plants

Mechmann's packaged wastewater treatment plants can be quickly set up in virtually and location.They are pre assembled, skid-mounted and factory tested with less requirements for installation and reduced on site construction costs.

The multi-stage treatment process includes screening, diffused aeration, clarification, sludge recirculation,sludge digestion,filtration, and disinfection. Preengineered modular components such as diffused air blowers, aeration tanks, sludge holding tanks,clearifiers, and disinfection units allow for the package plants to be sized specifically for the customer's application

Enhanced Membrane Bio Reactor (EMBR)

Mechmann's Enhanced Membrane Bioreactor(EMBR) systems consists of an activated sludge extended aeration biological treatment process and Ultrafiltration(UF) mambrane system for the separation of activated sludge from treated effluent. EMBR is an external MBR system. The UF membrane is positioned outside the bioreactor tank.MBR is capable of meeting the most stringent effluent water quality standards.More importantly,the effluent quality is highly cinsistent with the membrane barrier and a more stable biomass.

Submerged Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR)

Mechmann's latest pre-engineered containrized wastewater treatment systems for municipal, onsite and industrial applications. The inovative submerged membrane biological reactor (MBR):a systems that provides end-user with high-quality treatment performance,minimal operational requirements,and a robust design that will stand the test of time

Systems come in standard and custom designs, and result in smaller footprints than conventional systems. The submerged membrane eliminates the need for clarifiers and sand filters, and it produces significantly better effluent quality. integral zones can be added to meet particular effluent goals,including nutrient removal,disinfection, and sludge holding and post aeration.

Reed Bed Waste Water Treatment

Mechmann's provides innovative waste water treatment technologies; with over 20 years' experience in the research, design, installation and maintenance of engineered reed bed (wetland) treatment systems.

Reed beds are aquatic plant based systems which allow bacteria, fungi and algae to digest the sewage and clean the water. Environmental friendly sewage treatment process using only natural sustainable ecological processes.Doesn't require any energy input.Operational and maintenance costs are low and can be carried out by anyone with a moderate gardening skills

Reed beds are very effcient at treating a wide range of different effluents including sewage, leachates,run-offs,contaminated ground waters,industry waste waters and mixtures thereof.